
Anaergia strikes €100m Italy biomethane plant deal


An Anaergia subsidiary has signed a binding agreement with Techbau to build five biomethane plants in Italy in a deal worth €100m.

Anaergia S.r.l. will be the technology provider, supplying modern equipment for the biomethane production process, and Techbau will be general contractor, overseeing the engineering, procurement, and construction.

The biomethane plants are to be located across Southern Italy, and all five are expected to provide renewable biomethane to Italy’s gas pipeline grid by the end of 2025. Anaergia is expected to record revenues of approximately C$25m.

The five facilities will leverage Anaergia’s anaerobic digestion technologies to produce renewable biomethane from various types of agricultural and food processing wastes, aligning with Italy’s commitment to sustainable energy and decarbonisation goals.

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