
Alstom’s hydrogen fuel cell train wins 2018 GreenTec Mobility Award


Rail transport company Alstom has won the GreenTec Award 2018 in the category Mobility by Schaeffler for its Coradia iLint.

The German-based company was officially presented the award today at its largest production site, located in Salzgitter, Germany, during an advance award ceremony ahead of the GreenTec Awards gala to be held in Munich on May 13th.

The world’s first hydrogen fuel cell powered regional train emits no carbon and is capable of operating in near silence. It offers an alternative to diesel trains for operation on non-electrified railway lines, which currently make up more than 40 percent of the railway network in Germany. The train will enter regular service on the Cuxhaven-Bremervörde route during 2018.

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