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© Air Products

Air Products stalls $4bn project to wait on final call about green hydrogen


Air Products says it cannot make a final investment decision on its planned $4bn green hydrogen production plant in Wilbarger County, Texas. It is waiting, it says, until the rules for the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act that relate to the project are finalised.

The plant would be the largest green hydrogen facility in the US, and Air Products CEO, Chairman and President Seifi Ghasemi said a “significant amount” of engineering on the North Texas project was completed.

“But we are not going to make a commitment on FID on that project until the rules for the implementation of IRA are finalized. There is a significant impact,” said Ghasemi.

Speaking at the company’s latest earnings call, he continued, “As you know, there is a significant amount of controversy about how those rules should be interpreted. Currently, the way the rules have been stated, they are fine with us. And if that was the final [version] … we would commit to FID. But the [details] are not finalised yet and we expect those [details] to be finalized by June or July.”

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