
AIIGMA seminar declared overwhelming success


The 37th All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers Association (AIIGMA) Seminar continued in vibrant fashion today following a prior evening of festivities that featured an Indian showcase of dance and music.

Day two commenced with delegates welcomed to the morning’s technical sessions. Chaired by AIIGMA Vice-President Anish Patel, the morning’s first session saw Dr. Prof. G. Venkatrathnam of IIT Madras take to the stage to discuss the development of cryogenic mixed refrigerant process.

This was followed by another informative presentation on renewable energy, with a focus on wind generators and such facilities in India, by Sarvesh Kumar of RRB.

The technical speakers’ presentations were concluded with an insightful presentation on gross service tax from Mr Harishankar of Ernest & Young, which included information on the different rates – as well as the implications – for businesses in India.

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