

Playing it cool

Economic recovery heralds growth for cryogenics delivery businesses; the liquid gas storage market and medical applications are also on the rise, says Taylor-Wharton.

Gulf Coast review

Hank Grieco’s experience of the recent Gulf Coast Conference suggests this growing event is one to mark on your calendar this year.

EPA Protocol Gases move ahead at Pittcon

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gas Panel Meeting held in Atlanta on March 15 in conjunction with PITTCON saw further discussion on upcoming revisions of the 1997 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Traceability...

Harmonizing the Global Language of Safety

The convergence of several chemical reclassification and labeling initiatives being implemented in the global business arena to boost health, safety, and environmental protection to an unprecedented level is poised to have a monumental impact on the world’s industrial sector. 

As the US economy seems to linger in its two and a half year hangover from the worldwide financial crisis that began in 2008, one of the symptoms of the “night before” has been a slowdown in merger and...

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