
Readying for the energy transition in mobility markets


The US transportation industry produces about 35% of the country’s carbon emissions and is the leading cause of air pollution in urban areas across the nation. To address these issues, some states are taking action and encouraging rapid adoption of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) and incentivizing companies to develop and deliver low-carbon or zero-emission light, medium and heavy duty vehicles within the next decade.

Considering the amount of low-emission fuel that will be needed to supply the vehicles, Air Liquide is planning and investing now to make sure we see those targets met.

According to the latest study on hydrogen’s future in the US – Road Map to a US Hydrogen Economy – an optimistic outlook expects we will see an increase in annual Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) sales by 5300% (all vehicle types), and an increase in hydrogen demand across all industries by 150%.   

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