© Equigas
© Equigas

Equigas is now in tanks and trailers after West Coast deal


Molly Burgess talks to Rafael Arvelo, CEO of Equigas, about the company establishing a coast-to-coast presence following its acquisition of Correct Cryogenics.

Upscaling a business through acquisition is always a challenge, but branching into new niches can make the process even more complex. Equigas, a North Carolina-headquartered industrial gases equipment distributor, recently expanded into the tank and trailer market with its acquisition of California-based Correct Cryogenics.

The deal is a step into something new for Equigas in the US, with its traditional equipment business, and into the markets for tank rehabilitation, trailer maintenance, and plant expansion. The purchase of Correct Cryogenics was completed in April 2024 and Equigas CEO Rafael Arvelo says the company is now working hard to integrate and harmonize the two distinct business propositions. 

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