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Despite generous subsidies and soaring tech demand, the outlook for the specialty gas semiconductor sector is one of uncertainty. Dominic Ellis tells the story

It’s a curious time for electronics and semiconductors and, by extension, specialty gas operators supplying the industry.

On the face of it, it’s all boom and optimism, with the world’s insatiable demand for digital and for data, and with AI driving demand. In this vein, the Semiconductor Industry Association announced global sales hit $57.8bn in November 2024, up an impressive 20.7% year-on-year. Regionally, sales rose most in the Americas (54.9%), China (12.1%), Asia Pacific/all other (10%), and Japan (7.4%), but fell 5.7% in Europe.

At the same time, we should note how policy and market uncertainties are today casting long shadows over investment strategies and project delivery.

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