The need for more biogenic CO2 should evolve rapidly in the years ahead. Stephen B. Harrison of the consultancy sbh4 considers the state of play today and looks at what’s coming down the line
The whole concept of the world achieving Net Zero carbon dioxide emissions in the future rests on the concept that some processes will be in credit on the decarbonisation ledger, delivering a negative CO₂ balance by capturing CO₂. The hope is that such technologies become very affordable over time, to help make the economics work.
We can say, then, that Net Zero works like an emissions trading scheme, such as the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). The premise is that CO₂ emitters with a low cost of CO₂ capture can invest in reduction of their CO₂ emissions, while other processes, where the costs of CO₂ capture are prohibitively high, may purchase CO₂ emissions credits at the prevailing market rate and legally continue their operations.
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