
Specialty Gases

The Rare Gases Market Report

Wlliams Ramsay and Travers Morris discovered the three gases — krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and neon (Ne) — more than 120 years ago. These three are part of a family of gases most commonly referred to as rare or noble....

A Company Scales Up

The Gerhart Scale Corporation (Gerhart) (www.gerhart.com) began as an industrial scale distributor that supplied the transportation and manufacturing sectors. For the industrial gas sector, Gerhart’s scales service highway- and plant-located truck scale systems for merchant bulk weight and fill control systems for...

Gas Purity Enhances Chips for Wireless Revolution

Most users of iPhones, iPads, and other wireless technology hardly imagine that gases are critical to the manufacture of the tiny chips that operate their devices. But, ultra-pure hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen (H2), and nitrogen (N2) all play vital roles in the manufacture of super-fast,...

The Specialty Gases segment is one of the few markets that has been resilient in this recession and represents an excellent growth path for the independent gas distributor. Critical to success in this marketplace is a professional and knowledgeable specialty gas...

Rare Gases Market Update

As the economy slows down so does the demand for rare gases. During the last 12 months demand for xenon (Xe) declined almost 40 percent and demand for krypton (Kr) fell by about 30 percent.

Recovering Xenon — and Costs

A range of new uses for the noble gas xenon has boosted its profile along with its demand at a time when supplies have been crimped thanks to the ongoing economic recession. With that in mind, users are paying more...

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