

ORS Nasco and OKI Bering Join Forces

  The competitive landscape in the welding industry has evolved significantly over the last half century and the successful market players are the ones who have evolved with the industry and add measurable value to their customers. For over 50...

Over the last 12 months the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been stepping up their audit activity, including at medical gas facilities. B&R Compliance (br compliance.com) offers clients an analysis of the kinds of questions FDA inspectors are asking,...

Gas and Supply—Pursuit of Excellence

In this, the seventh article in a series on Continuous Improvement as a key business strategy, the authors look at how eliminating waste in the workplace positions a successful company for greater achievements, efficiencies, and productivity. Gas and Supply (gasandsupply.com), headquartered...

As seasonal temperatures climb, employers must consider their potential liabilities for not protecting employees against the hazard of heat. This hazard can involve employer legal duties under many laws, including: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act), State...

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