
Financial Reports

Change Is Good—The 2011 Carbon Dioxide Report

The carbon dioxide (CO2) industry is a complex one. Some companies within the industry both produce and distribute CO2, others buy crude and process it, while others are strictly distributors. The CO2 itself is delivered as crude, gas, liquid, and...

The Baird/CryoGas Industrial Distributor Survey

After a pretty solid 2011 among the major industrial gas companies, the expectation seems to be for continued steady growth in the US (consistent with results of the 4Q11 Baird/CryoGas Survey as summarized on the previous page), ongoing growth and...

Strength Across Markets

Strength across all oxygen markets as the US pulls out of the recession has led to greater demand for oxygen. Major gas producers in the US have been concentrating on on-site oxygen and nitrogen for new large volume applications such...

Worldwide Industrial Gas Healthcare Market

Healthcare expenditures include all costs for private and public health services, supplies, and investment in research, structures, and support. Most major industrialized nations spend 8–10 percent of GDP on healthcare, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The recent...

Tight Supply Reins In The Worldwide Helium Market

Tight supply is the most notable aspect of this year’s review of the worldwide helium market. Uncertainties relating to timing of future supply sources, projecting market demand during uncertain economic times, and the United States Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) changing...

The Baird/CryoGas Industrial Distributor Survey

Robert W. Baird and Company (www.rwbaird.com) surveys over 40,000 US companies in the distribution of industrial products each quarter and receives responses from over 600 independent distributors and manufacturers with combined annual revenue of approximately $80 billion....

The US Industrial Gas Market Report

In preparing this year’s US Industrial Gas Market Report, CryoGas International analyzed economic and market information from respected groups such as the US Bureau of the Census, US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the US Federal Reserve Board. For industrial gas (IG)...

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