The Servomex SERVOFLEX MiniMP (5200 Multipurpose) gas analyzer has been awarded MCERTS certification, making it suitable for source testers that require reference oxygen (O2) analysis as part of the verification of Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems...
The city of Jönköping, Sweden will be the international bioenergy focal point when it hosts the 5th biennial World Bioenergy Conference May 29–31, 2012. Organized by the Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO) and Elmia, the overall purpose of this...
Prior to World War II, gases and supplies were sold directly from manufacturers to end-users. Following the war, however, large gas manufacturers tried to alleviate the cost and burden of selling directly to smaller customers, and wanted...
The world needs energy—and it will need a lot more of it as we move forward. This presents us with a daunting challenge. Economic development over the coming decades will most likely hinge on the ways we source and...
The recently concluded, four-day FABTECH/AWS 2011 exposition and conference at Chicago’s McCormick Place welcomed a historic 35,457 attendees from more than 80 countries, including CryoGas International Publisher John Campbell and National Sales Manager John Miaskowski.
The world economy is fraught with uncertainty due to the continuing European debt crisis, and the recovery in the United States, Latin America’s important trading partner, remains stubbornly mild. These unfavorable foreign economic environments are beginning to affect financial markets and...